HomeStoriesCraig Rienhardt

Craig Rienhardt

Craig was a 17-year-old honor roll student at West Genesee High School when he was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer called gastric adenocarcinoma. An outpatient at Golisano Children’s Hospital, Craig bravely underwent any treatment he was asked to do. Sadly, six weeks after being diagnosed, he passed away on January 12th, 2011.

Craig enjoyed life and embraced it, always willing and ready to try new adventures.

He loved hard physical labor, taking pride in his work, working out with his friends, playing soccer, basketball and biking. Music and sports, were just some of the things of which he was very knowledgeable. He ran a variety of races, such as “Paige’s Butterfly Run,” the “Boilermaker” and the “Warrior Dash” just to name a few.

“Craig enjoyed life and embraced it, always willing and ready to try new adventures.”

Craig was the youngest of 4 children, a wonderful son, terrific brother and great-nephew, and cousin. He had a quiet but wicked sense of humor. Always willing to help out, he was a reliable person you could always count on. He was a friend to all, which was evident from the generous support we received during and after his illness.

We are forever thankful for the support we received from doctors and nurses, the West Genesee School District, friends, and family. Craig is very much loved and missed; forever in our hearts.

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